One Grosvenor Gate

Office development

102-127 Grosvenor Road, BT12 4GH

About One Grosvenor Gate

One Grosvenor Gate is a proposed Grade A Office development adjacent to the under construction Belfast Grand Central station.

The site is currently a two storey warehouse, occupied by PTS Plumbing Trade Supplies. The site is bounded by the under construction Transport Hub (Grand Central station) to the south, the Westlink to the west, the Grosvenor Road Police Station to the east.

In August 2020, G5 Gateway Office Ltd submitted a planning application (LA04/2020/1666/F) seeking to demolish the existing two storey building and the erection of an office development with heights of 9-14 storeys with landscaping, parking, and associated development at 102-127 Grosvenor Road. 

In March 2021, the Belfast City Council Planning Committee accepted the officer recommendation to grant planning permission with delegated authority given to the Director of Planning and Building Control to finalise the wording of conditions and the Section 76 Planning Agreement. However, due to the length of time taken to finalise the Section 76 Agreement following the Committee meeting in March 2021, the Planning Service reconsulted NI Water and they responded on 3rd June 2021 and advised that there is insufficient Waste Water Treatment Capacity available at present for the proposed development.

On the 2nd June 2022, NI Water advised that "‘Our only requirement is that this proposal shall not be occupied before 1 July 2023, which is the date when additional treatment capacity will be available as a result of completion of initial phase of upgrade work at Belfast WWTW. The developer has already confirmed to NI Water that this condition would be acceptable as this proposal will not be completed until after this date.’"

In June 2022, the application was brought back to Committee to highlight this change of position. Planning officers considered that this condition is not required given that the Section 76 is yet to be finalised and the improvements to the WWTW are expected by July 2023 and should provide increased capacity by the time that this development is completed. Therefore, the officer recommendation remains to approve planning permission for the project subject to the planning conditions and Section 76 planning agreement as set out in the original Development Management report.

In August 2023, Cityside Developments Ltd submitted a Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) (LA04/2023/3872/PAN) proposing the development of c.800 bed Purpose Built Student Accommodation. The Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) was deemed acceptable however no full application has been submitted as of 2024.

Project Information


226800 ft²



Planning References

Project Team


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