Donegall Road Eurospar

Retail development
Including Food & Beverage use

250 Donegall Road, BT12 5NE

About Donegall Road Eurospar

Donegall Road Eurospar is located at 250 Donegall Road and the site comprises of a Eurospar, a petrol forecourt (4 pump islands) and associated parking (34 spaces) and forecourt services (bulk fuels and air / water / vacuum).

In August 1989, a planning application was submitted and later granted (Z/1989/2677) for the construction of a motor vehicle workshop with outdoor car display and parking. Another application was later submitted in April 1990 (Z/1990/2302) for the erection of illuminated wall mounted and free standing signs for the car show room. This application was also approved.

In August 1991, a planning application was submitted (Z/1991/2685) for the erection of an illuminated forecourt box sign. This application was refused.

In September 1996, a planning application was submitted (Z/1996/2730) seeking consent for a display price indicator gantry sign. This application was approved.

In January 1997, a planning application was submitted (Z/1997/2032) proposing an extension to the existing petrol filling station forecourt. This application was approved.

In July 2014, Primsight Limited submitted a planning application (Z/2014/1002/A) proposing to erect a new Spar shop sign on the site. This application was approved in October 2014.

In December 2015, Henderson Group Property submitted a planning application (LA04/2016/0010/F) proposing a £1.2 million development which involved the demolition of the existing petrol filling station and associated supermarket and food court, with relocation to existing vacant warehouse, with proposed extension, for a new Eurospar, new petrol forecourt, parking and associated site works. This application was approved in November 2016. Construction took place on the site in 2017 with the new store opening in December 2017.

In April 2018, Henderson Group Property submitted a planning application (LA04/2018/0966/F) proposing the addition of a 750 sq ft hot food unit. This application was approved in April 2019.

In July 2022, Henderson Group Property submitted a planning application (LA04/2022/1471/F) proposing the erection of a retail extension to the existing Eurospar Supermarket and change of parking layout. The extension will provide an additional 140 sqm of floorspace. This application was approved in February 2023.

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