Holmes Street Apartments

Residential development

Holmes Street, BT2 7JD

About Holmes Street Apartments

The proposed Holmes Street Apartments development is approximately 0.075 hectares and currently comprises undeveloped urban land in the form of a surface level car park (25 spaces).

In December 2021, Conway Estates Ltd (Conway Group) submitted a planning application (LA04/2022/0023/O) seeking permission for a 15 storey residential development that comprises 32no. 1 bedroom apartments, 35no. 2 bedroom apartments and 1no. studio apartment. This application was approved in April 2023.

There has been previously approved planning applications for the site which also sought residential development. These include:

  • Z/1998/2919 - Erection of 20 apartments with associated car parking.

  • Z/2002/0347/O - Renewal of planning permission for the erection of 20 no. apartments with associated car parking

  • Z/2006/0162/O - Erection of 6-storey building comprising 20 No. apartments with associated car parking

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