London Road Residential Development

Residential development

London Road/ Lismore Street, BT6 8HH

About London Road Residential Development

The site at London Road is a brownfield site that is currently vacant.

It was once the site of the former 'Loopbeidge Weaving Mill' which dates back to the early 1900s (according to historical maps).

The site has had numerous residential developments proposed over the years.

In March 2005, a planning application was submitted (Z/2005/0640/O) proposing a residential development of 48 No. townhouses and 26 No. apartments, associated car parking and landscaping. This application was approved in November 2005.

In February 2006, a planning application was submitted (Z/2006/0430/RM) proposing residential development of 48 Townhouses and 25 apartments, associated car parking and landscaping. This application was approved in February 2007.

In August 2007, Hollhouse Developments subbmited a planning application (Z/2007/2030/F) proposing residential development of 226 apartments, associated car parking and landscaping. This application was approved in December 2008.

In August 2009, Hollhouse Developments submitted a new planning application (Z/2009/1139/F) proposing a residential development of 176 apartments, associated car parking and landscaping. This application was approved in September 2010.

In September 2021, DLL Properties Ltd submitted a Proposal of Application Notice (LA04/2021/2166/PAN) propsoing a residential development comprising 121 units (apartments & duplexes) with associated private and communal amenity space, landscaping, parking provision, access and associated site works including relocation of existing sub station. An online consultation was launched at providing details on the development.

The proposals included 120 carp parking spaces and each apartment building would be 3 storeys in height. Approximately 4,720 sqm of public realm will be provided and a total of 88% of the units will have dedicated private amenity space in the form of balconies or private gardens.

In May 2022, DLL Properties Ltd submitted their full planning application (LA04/2022/1083/F) proposing 121 units & amenity space. This application was approved in April 2024 by the Belfast City Council Planning Committee.

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