25-29 University Road

Residential development

25-29 University Road, BT7 1NA

About 25-29 University Road

25-29 University Road is a four-storey building which was previously used as offices & restaurant use. The site is now no longer in use due the outbreak of a fire on 21st January 2020 resulting in severe damage. Prior to the fire the site previously housed Blaze and Glaze restaurant.

In May 2020, HOLG Limited submitted a planning application (LA04/2020/0847/F) seeking partial demolition and redevelopment of existing buildings to provide 16 apartments (later amended to 15 apartments), communal bin store and external amenity space. This application was recommended for approval by Belfast City Council planners in March 2022.

There has been previous proposals for the site which included partial demolition, alteration and extension of existing buildings, including change of use from restaurant/offices to 20 apartments and erection of communal bin store which was submitted in June 2019 under planning references, LA04/2019/1523 and LA04/2019/1526/DCA. These applications were withdrawn after the site was severly damaged by fire.

In April 2023, the planning application (LA04/2020/0847/F) proposing to partially demolish the site and redevelop it as 15 apartments was approved.

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